Scholarships at ロンドン大学クィーン・メアリー校

ランキング 46
ロケーションLondon, England
留学生比率 23.8%
有名な専攻分野 歯科学・ヘルスケア・演劇学
ロケーション London, England
創立 1882
留学生比率 23.8%
有名な専攻分野 歯科学・ヘルスケア・演劇学
外国人学生向け費用 £20,000-27,000
British Council Women In STEM Scholarships
Scholarship Name British Council Women In STEM Scholarships
Academic Year 2024

In partnership with the British Council Queen Mary University of London is delighted to be offering five fully funded scholarships for Women in STEM for the 2024/25 academic year.

Access to education is one contributing factor leading to the underrepresentation of women in STEM. Therefore, the objective of this programme is to help address this situation by providing opportunities for women from the countries listed below to continue with their studies and research in STEM subjects

No. of awards: 5

Value: Full Scholarship

Country: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka

Eligible Programmes

  • Creative Arts and Mental Health MSc

  • Global Public Health and Policy MSc

  • Public Mental Health MSc

  • Cancer and Clinical Oncology MSc

  • Cancer and Molecular and Cellular Biology MSc

  • Cancer and Molecular Pathology and Genomics MSc

  • Cancer and Therapeutics MSc

  • Cancer Genomics and Data Science MSc

  • Clinical Drug Development MSc

  • Healthcare Research Methods MSc

  • Biomedical Science (Medical Microbiology) MSc

  • Neuroscience and Translational Medicine MSc

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Global Talent Scholarship – Postgraduate Taught
Global Talent Scholarships
Queen Mary Alumni Loyalty Award
School of Economics and Finance Scholarships (UG)

breckett-front   ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドンへの出願時にSI-UKのチームからいただいたアドバイスやサポートに心から感謝しています!多くの質問に丁寧に答えてもらい安心しました。また、出願後のステータスアップデートも頻繁にしてもらえました。私はスタンダード・サービスを利用しました。お勧めします!  breckett-front

中田まる子さん ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン(UCL) 経済学修士課程

  • university-college-london
  • manchester
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Leeds
  • sheffield
  • reading
  • southampton
  • manchester
  • exeter
  • cardiff
  • warwick
  • loughborough
  • cranfield
  • arts-university-bournemouth
  • essex
  • essex
  • University for the Creative Arts
  • oxford-brookes
  • edinburgh
  • bristol
  • lancaster
  • durham
  • bath
  • york
  • st-andrews
  • sussex
  • nottingham
  • aberdeen
  • BIMM Institute