ロケーションLondon, Manchester, Miami
ロケーション London, Manchester, Miami
創立 2011
Community First Scholarship
Scholarship Name Community First Scholarship
Academic Year 2024
  • Offered in partnership with the Jason Roberts Foundation, the scholarship programme is open to an outstanding applicant holding an offer for any of GIS Master’s programmes. Candidates should have an interest in inclusion and diversity within sport, have the ability to lead, and possess experience with outreach work within a local community.

Scholarship includes: 

  • Mentorship with GIS Global Advisory Board Member Jason Roberts

  • 15% reduction in Master’s tuition fees

  • £500 towards sports industry events and costs associated with involvement in projects with the Jason Roberts Foundation 

Eligibility Criteria: 

6-12 months experience within a sports organisation in their local community.

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Dean's Progression Scholarship
Elite Athlete Scholarship
GIS Women in Sport Scholarships
South Asians in Football Leadership Scholarship
UCFB Elite Athlete Scholarships
UCFB Employability & Career Enhancement Scholarship
UCFB Inclusivity in Coaching Programme
UCFB Social Mobility & Inclusion Scholarship
UCFB South Asians in Football Leadership Scholarship
UCFB Women in Sport Scholarship

breckett-front   ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドンへの出願時にSI-UKのチームからいただいたアドバイスやサポートに心から感謝しています!多くの質問に丁寧に答えてもらい安心しました。また、出願後のステータスアップデートも頻繁にしてもらえました。私はスタンダード・サービスを利用しました。お勧めします!  breckett-front

中田まる子さん ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン(UCL) 経済学修士課程

  • university-college-london
  • manchester
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Leeds
  • sheffield
  • reading
  • southampton
  • manchester
  • exeter
  • cardiff
  • warwick
  • loughborough
  • cranfield
  • arts-university-bournemouth
  • essex
  • essex
  • University for the Creative Arts
  • oxford-brookes
  • edinburgh
  • bristol
  • lancaster
  • durham
  • bath
  • york
  • st-andrews
  • sussex
  • nottingham
  • aberdeen
  • BIMM Institute