ランキング 109
ロケーションSouthampton, England
留学生比率 14.7%
有名な専攻分野 海洋学、メディア、アート、ビジネス、フットボール(サッカー)
ロケーション Southampton, England
創立 1856
留学生比率 14.7%
有名な専攻分野 海洋学、メディア、アート、ビジネス、フットボール(サッカー)
外国人学生向け費用 £11,000-16,000
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Scholarship
Scholarship Name Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Scholarship
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship amount £1,000
Nationality Any

We recognise that for many Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students, the playing field for entry into university isn’t always level and this can be a barrier to students from these under-represented backgrounds reaching their potential.

For students applying for 2024 entry to our undergraduate courses, Solent University is offering the BAME Student Scholarship.

These scholarships provide eligible first year undergraduate students, from specific ethnic backgrounds, £1,000 each to use towards their university tuition fees or the cost of student living.

How the scholarship is awarded

The scholarship is awarded in the form of £1,000 which can be used by first-year undergraduate students in the following ways:

  • A £1,000 reduction of tuition fees for the first year of study.


  • A £1,000 balance credit applied to the student's Solent University Everyday catering app account. The Everyday app is used to purchase food and drink consumables from any of the University's catering outlets, including Costa Coffee and Starbucks.

The scholarship is non means tested, non-repayable and available in addition to any other funding that you may also be eligible.

Successful applicants for this one-off scholarship must meet the following criteria:

  • Have applied for and hold a firm acceptance, full-time undergraduate course offer from Solent University.

  • Are a UK national with ‘home’ fee status who identifies as having one of the following categories of ethnicity:

    • Asian or Asian British

      • Indian.

      • Pakistani.

      • Bangladeshi.

      • Chinese.

      • Any other Asian background.

    • Black, African, Caribbean or Black British

      • African.

      • Caribbean.

      • Any other Black, African or Caribbean background.

      • Other ethnic group.

    • Mixed multiple ethnic groups

      • Mixed White and Black Caribbean.

      • Mixed White and Black African.

      • Mixed White and Asian.

      • Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background.

    • Other ethnic groups

      • Arab.

      • Gypsy or Irish Traveller.

      • Any other ethnic group.

Enquire Now
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Solent Sanctuary Scholarship
Sport Scholarships

breckett-front   ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドンへの出願時にSI-UKのチームからいただいたアドバイスやサポートに心から感謝しています!多くの質問に丁寧に答えてもらい安心しました。また、出願後のステータスアップデートも頻繁にしてもらえました。私はスタンダード・サービスを利用しました。お勧めします!  breckett-front

中田まる子さん ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン(UCL) 経済学修士課程

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