Scholarships at グラスゴー・カレドニアン大学

ランキング 50
ロケーションGlasgow, Scotland
留学生比率 12%
有名な専攻分野 ビジネス・エンジニアリング・生物化学
ロケーション Glasgow, Scotland
創立 1875
留学生比率 12%
有名な専攻分野 ビジネス・エンジニアリング・生物化学
外国人学生向け費用 £16,200
Chancellor Yunus Scholarship
Scholarship Name Chancellor Yunus Scholarship
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship amount £7,000
Nationality Any

With an increased thirst for solving the world's social problems, global businesses are looking for the right mix of critical, intellectually curious and entrepreneurial scholars and practitioners who are armed with the knowledge and mindset needed to tackle some of the world's most pressing problems, GCU are happy to announce that we have scholarships available which will be awarded on an overall assessment of merit and promise of the candidate, including their financial circumstances.

What you get

  • GCU will cover £7,000 towards your tuition fee for the full-time MSc Social Innovation master's course commencing September 2024.

Who can apply?

  • Home, EU and Rest of UK students.

  • International Students.

Terms and conditions

  • The award is non-transferable to any other programme if you change your course to the one specified at the time of application.

  • Awards cannot be deferred to another academic session and are for the full-time programme only.

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breckett-front   ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドンへの出願時にSI-UKのチームからいただいたアドバイスやサポートに心から感謝しています!多くの質問に丁寧に答えてもらい安心しました。また、出願後のステータスアップデートも頻繁にしてもらえました。私はスタンダード・サービスを利用しました。お勧めします!  breckett-front

中田まる子さん ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン(UCL) 経済学修士課程

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  • manchester
  • University of Birmingham
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  • essex
  • University for the Creative Arts
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  • BIMM Institute